Introducing: Make Holiday Card for Rachel Bilson.
Rules & Terms:
– One entry per person.
– Maximum size of the card: No bigger than 7 x 5 inch.
– “Happy holidays”, “Merry Xmas”, “Happy New Year” are preferable headlines.
– Spam of any kind or messy prints will be erased.
– No web site URLs or @usernames. Sign your card with your NAME, and LOCATION only. That way it is very personal. Use this format please: “Name, Location”
– Try to use photos of Rachel that are from work that she has done, for instance her TV roles or movie roles, campaigns or just your favorite photos of hers.
The cards will be sent as a collection to Rachel right in time for Christmas.
Feel free to hand make your card, but you will need to scan it before emailing it to us.
How to create the card?
www.canva.com is a great website to make your own customized cards!
For best quality, save your card as .png.
Where do I send the card to be included to the collection?
– Send an email with your card to [email protected]. Once your card is approved, you will get an email back notifying you that your card made it to the collection.
Likewise, if you have any questions, include them in your email.
Some examples: